Gonçalo Almeida - double bass
Bart van Dongen - prepared piano
Recording: Eric van de Lest at Paviljoen van de Ongehoorde Muziek, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Mixing & Mastering: Eric van de Lest at Daltoon Studio, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Production: Bart, Gonçalo & Rogé
Liner Notes: Oscar Jan Hoogland
Drawings: François Van Damme
Photographs musicians: Gonçalo Almeida
Available on CD
release October 4, 2022 at the Paviljoen van de Ongehorde Muziek, Eindhoven - The Netherlands
"... ." ..., ... (../../2022)
1. Minutiae
G. Almeida/B. van Dongen - 08:32
2. Repetitio
G. Almeida/B. van Dongen - 12:31
3. Matter
G. Almeida/B. van Dongen - 12:52
4. Allegory
G. Almeida/B. van Dongen - 10:04
total time - 43:59
eNR076 © 2022
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