Lennart Heyndels - double bass
Laurens Smet - double bass & moog
Nathan Wouters - double bass
Ruben Machtelinckx - guitar, banjo & electronics
Filipe Nader - alto saxophone
Viktor Perdieus - alto, tenor & soprano saxophone
Niels van Heertum - euphonium &trumpet
Seppe Gebruers - pianos with different tunings
Jakob Warmenbol - percussion
Recording & Mixing Engineer: Ted Masseur at Audioworkx
Mastering Engineer: Gert Van Hoof at Coclea Mastering
Production: Troika vzw & Rogé Verstraete
Artwork: Jelle Gebruers
Work of Art: KELVIN by Dries Segers
A Troika vzw co-production
Available on CD in felt casing with work of art KELVIN incorporated
release April 26, 2016
In june 2014 Lennart Heyndels, Ruben Machtelinckx and Niels Van Heertum organized a trio concert in Ghent. This event turned into an impromptu improvisation session when Viktor Perdieus, Filipe Nader ( both of whom, along with Van Heertum, constitute the Ifa y Xango horn section), Jakob Warmenbol, Seppe Gebruers and Laurens Smet arrived at the concert with their respective instruments. The set-up on the small stage became quite cosy with this unusual instrumentation of two double basses, guitar, piano, three horns and drums. Some small improvised changes were made (e.g. Warmenbol omitted his bass drum from stage for the band to have enough space) and the crowd was treated to two sets of spontaneous music.
This encounter proved to be satisfying, both musically and euphorically, and lingered in our minds (I'm breaking narrative here) for the following months. When the opportunity arose to get the whole band together in the studio to record, they added bassist Nathan Wouters to the band, resulting in an unusual three double bass line-up.
While the original session was very spontaneous, it comes as no surprise that the musicians easily found common grounds musically. All of them have a strong connection musically from playing in different bands together and can be linked together in one way or another. Or another.. no, not that one... the other one. The most obvious link between these musicians is their involvement in Troika vwz which is the home for Ifa y Xango; a collective of which Van Heertum, Perdieus, Nader, Gebruers, Smet and Machtelinckx are all part of. Last year saw the release of Ifa y Xango's "Twice Left Handed \\ Shavings" which garnered great reviews internationally and was released on Ghent based label, el NEGOCITO Records.
Another musical family in which NEST lays eggs (ba dum psshh) is the Antwerp based Granvat label, home of Book of Air: vvolk. The large ensemble of Book of Air is another meeting point for Machtelinckx, Wouters, Smet, Perdieus and Van Heertum. Also Bolhaerd, the eclectic ensemble of Jakob Warmenbol, includes the same horn section as NEST and is completed with bass player Laurens - typing in the third person- Smet. Two new names to the Troika universe are bass player and composer Lennart Heyndels who is known for his band How Town and his work in groups like Jens Maurits Orchestra (which also includes Van Heertum) and bass player Nathan Wouters. Wouters is best known for his work with the Granvat label and his own solo work.
On this recording Gebruers makes use of two grand pianos tuned a quarter tone apart, a technique he pursues and further explores on his upcoming trio record with Paul Lovens and Hugo Antunes. Keep an eye out for this release, happening soon on el NEGOCITO Records. Keep the other eye out aswell. Thank you for reading.
Laurens for NEST
For this project, free improvisation is used as a means to make music, not as a genre. The band wants to counter the image that free improvisation and contemporary classical music are difficult and inaccessible. For this reason, they use as many elements from pop music as techniques from contemporary classical music.The group consists of a remarkable set up of three double bass, three wind instruments, 2 pianos, a guitar, elektronics and percussion. NEST works more in a spectral way in which the various sonic strengths of the instruments and their sounds are being used.
NEST ontstond uit een improvisatiesessie met verschillende leden van het improvisatiecollectief Troika vzw. Het collectief werkte de laatste jaren vanuit verschillende invalshoeken rond vrije improvisatie, met projecten als Ifa y Xango, Bambi Pang Pang feat. Andrew Cyrille, Antiduo, Bolhaerd en recent ook de projecten van Ruben Machtelinckx.
In dit project wordt vrije improvisatie als middel gebruikt tot het bekomen van muziek, meer dan als genre an sich. De band wil weg van het beeld dat vrije improvisatie en hedendaagse klassieke muziek moeilijk en ontoegankelijk is. Er wordt evenveel gebruik gemaakt van parameters uit popmuziek als van technieken uit hedendaagse klassieke muziek. De groep bestaat uit een merkwaardige bezetting van drie contrabassen, drie blaasinstrumenten, piano, gitaar, elektronica en percussie. Nest werkt meer op een spectrale manier, waarbij de verscheidene sonore sterktes van de instrumenten en hun samenklank worden benut.
1. Sizuw
2. Dagtrip
3. Nein
4. Kind of off
5. Siebenschläfer
6. Kapotalisme
7. Have to have my china
8. Rhizome
9. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
or irony
10. Kickstopper
11. Ther tek err jerb
12. Couvre-feu
total time 41:43
eNR046 © 2016
all music by
L. Heyndels / L. Smet / N. Wouters
R. Machtelinckx / F. Nader / V. Perdieus
N. Van Heertum / S. Gebruers / J. Warmenbol
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